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Showing articles from Training Video tag

23 - Create Custom Point Symbols

Point Symbols are the symbols that can be displayed for each point in a measurement. Click on the link below to view a video on Point Symbols. Click on the links below for Online Help Documentation. Point Symbols List Window  Documentation

25 - Pattern Search Part 2 (Premier)

Pattern Search  (available in Dimension Premiere Version)  can be used to find multiple occurrences of symbols representing components that need to be counted (such as fixtures or switches). A sample pattern is selected in the drawing. Then Dimension searches the entire drawing for other occurrences of the symbol.…

14 - Assign a Description for Multiple Measurements

Multiple Measurement description  allows you to select multiple measurements at one time by use of the Multi-Select Tool and then changing the description of those selected measurements all at one time by clicking the "D" key on your keyboard. Press the Letter "D" on your keyboard after you make your selectio…

20 - Named Views

Named Views  accessible in the control panel, displays any named views defined for the project. Named views are created by zooming and scrolling to the desired view, pressing the "New" button in this control heading and entering the name for the view. You can return to a named view at any time by double-clicking the …

18 - Edit Measurements

Click on the link below to view a video on Edit Measurements. Click on the link below for Online Help Documentation. Edit Measurement Description, Measurement Toolbar  Documentation Edit Measurement Points, Measurement Toolbar  Documentation Edit Measurement Points, Ribbon Bar  Documentation Edit Measur…

24 - Pattern Search Part 1 (Premier)

Pattern Search (available in Dimension Premiere Version) can be used to find multiple occurrences of symbols representing components that need to be counted (such as fixtures or switches). A sample pattern is selected in the drawing. Then Dimension searches the entire drawing for other occurrences of the symbol.…

10 - Take off using One Point Lines

One Point Line takeoff allows you to  create multiple straight lines from a common hub point to multiple end points. Click on the link below to view a video on One Point Lines. Click on the link below for Online Help Documentation. One Point Line Takeoff  Documentation

06 - Move/Change Project Folder

Change Project Folder Window is used to change the folder for a project. You can change the folder for a project before or after you have moved the drawing files. If you do it before, the drawings will be moved for you. This window is invoked from the "Move..." button in the  Project Properties Window  or from the c…

11 - Take off using Two Point Lines & Rectangles

Some measurements consist of a series of many disconnected line segments of two points each or  of disconnected rectangles. These can be measured using the Disconnected Points button, but Dimension supports a special mode that makes it even easier. Click on the link below to view a video on 2 Point Lines & Rectan…

08 - Quick Access Toolbar

Quick Access Toolbar can be displayed to the right of the File Menu button or underneath the ribbon bar. This menu is highly customizable and can be used to provide access to commonly used buttons not matter which tab is displayed. Click on the link below to view a video on Quick Access Toolbar. Click on t…

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