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Home > Training Videos & Online Help > 17 - Copy Measurements Using Favorites
17 - Copy Measurements Using Favorites
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Favorites control allows you to save measurements, annotations and detail scales as "favorites". You can then quickly reuse those objects by double-clicking on them or dragging and dropping them on a drawing. Each favorite is displayed with an icon and a description as shown above.

The control has two sections. The upper section "Global Favorites" is for generic favorites. These are favorites that you wish to use across multiple projects. The lower section "Project Favorites" is for project-specific favorites. These are the favorites you only wish to use within the current project. When you switch from one project to another, the generic section will be unchanged. The project-specific section will change to reflect the favorites for the current project.


When you first use the Favorites control, it will be empty as shown below.

Click on the link below to view a video on Favorites.


Click on the link below for Online Help Documentation.


Favorites Documentation

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