Jul 02, 2018
Navisworks Integrator version
The Navisworks Integrator is a Bridge “plug-in” that enables Autodesk Navisworks users to use the familiar drag/drop functionality introduced with eTakeoff Bridge to facilitate passing 3D/BIM takeoff objects directly into Sage Estimating. Used in conjunction with eTakeoff’s Dimension 2D takeoff, estimators can now utilize both 2D drawings and 3D BIM models to extract takeoff quantities into the same Sage Estimate. For more information about the Navisworks Integrator, please contact your Sage Sales Representative.
To use the Navisworks Integrator:
- The eTakeoff Navisworks Integrator is now compatible with Autodesk Navisworks Manage and Simulate 2016, 2017 and the newly released 2018 versions.
- You must upgrade your copy of eTakeoff Bridge to version (or later).
- If you are using eTakeoff Dimension 2D takeoff, you must upgrade to version 5.5-47 (or later).
- Install the Navisworks Integrator AFTER installing Bridge You can install the integrator over your existing installation.
- New Features
- The HIDE PASS button now overrides ALL Navisworks Hide functions. It will now display ALL objects that have not yet been submitted to the estimate.
- The DELETE PASS function of Bridge (Review Mode) is now supported. This will enable you to “undo” an incorrect assignment to the estimate.
Changes in Bridge version
- Compatibility:
- eTakeoff Dimension version 5.5-47 (or later).
- Autodesk Navisworks Manage or Simulate (2016/2017/2018)
- eTakeoff Navisworks Integrator version (or later)
- Sage Pervasive Estimating version 16.1 (REV 5 + Hotfix 3) or 16.1 (REV 6)
- Sage SQL Estimating version 16.11.16263.201
- Reminder: If upgrading Sage Estimating, shut down all applications, then UNINSTALL Bridge and the Navisworks Integrator first (if using), then perform the Sage upgrade, then reinstall Bridge, then reinstall the Navisworks Integrator (if using) – IN THAT ORDER!
- If you are using Sage Pervasive Estimating, have created Mapping Histories in Bridge AND will be migrating your Pervasive Databases to SQL, there is a document outlining how you can copy your Pervasive Bridge Mapping History to create new matching mappings for your migrated Sage SQL database. Please click HERE for detailed instructions.
- Multiple Assignment History Catalogs have been introduced
- Prior versions of Bridge had one Assignment History which contained all mappings between takeoff and estimating objects. Bridge now supports MULTIPLE Assignment History Catalogs, which gives you the ability to have as many different mapping scenarios as you need. Some examples of using multiple catalogs:
- This is useful for BIM/Navisworks users who work with different architects. Currently there are no standards dictating how objects are defined in a model, so each architect or BIM author may use different object types to designate the same object, such as a wall. You can create a separate mapping catalog for each architect’s mappings so you can reuse the mappings for their objects on different models.
- You could also use this feature to create different mappings for different Estimating databases, such as conceptual vs detailed estimating/etc.
- Used in conjunction with the features already in the History Assignments windows, you can add, edit, merge and delete individual assignments, whole catalogs, or parts thereof.
- You now specify which mapping catalog to use when you create a new Bridge. Bridge will default to the last used catalog.
- Three new buttons have been added to the Assignment History Catalog window –
– Edit
– Add
– Filter
- Prior versions of Bridge had one Assignment History which contained all mappings between takeoff and estimating objects. Bridge now supports MULTIPLE Assignment History Catalogs, which gives you the ability to have as many different mapping scenarios as you need. Some examples of using multiple catalogs:
- The Assignment History Catalog FILTER button
The filter allows you to see specific mappings in a catalog. Even if you only use one catalog, you still may find times where it’s difficult to find mappings for specific systems, such as Dimension or Navisworks takeoff, or Pervasive and SQL estimating. The filter will let you specify which mappings you’d like to display. The pulldown on the right lets you specify which filters to apply and the Filter button itself turns the filters ON/OFF.
- The “Select at Takeoff” assembly feature in Sage SQL Estimating is now supported.
- The “Close Bridge” button has been modified to include the option to “Go to Estimate.” This will close the Bridge as before, but will also immediately open the associated Estimate.
- Keep Resource list “last position” – When switching between item and assembly takeoff, Bridge will keep the Item and Assembly list positions for you as you switch between the two lists.
- The DELETE PASS function in Bridge Review Mode is now supported in the Navisworks Integrator (v107). This enhancement lets you undo objects you’ve incorrectly sent to Estimating from Navisworks.
- You can now change the ITEM DESCRIPTION in the Estimate Detail window (Manual Mode). Simply click on the item description to edit.
- A Status Bar has been added to the bottom of the Bridge Window. This will be used to display a progress bar for various tasks that may take a prolonged amount of time. Bridge will be enhanced to include more progress bars in future releases.
- Bridge has been optimized to work with Large Database Files containing hundreds of thousands of items.
- Minor bug fixes