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Home > Troubleshooting > PDF Files not Responding
PDF Files not Responding
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We have found that some PDF files are either too large or have a huge number of attributes associated with them causing eTakeoff to slow down or not respond.


The solution is to either  save the PDF file as a Tiff File or Convert the PDF file to a Tiff file. Click on the File drop down menu (Classic Toolbar) or the Drawing tab (Ribbon Bar) to access the options.


In most cases, if your PDF file is a single page PDF file, the "Convert to Tiff File" is the best option because it converts your file AND replaces the new file in your existing project.


If your PDF file has multiple pages, you will need to use the "Save as Tiff File" option, name the file, then click on the "Scan for Drawings" button to load the new Tiff file into your project.


See below for documentation.

Convert to TIFF file -  Convert the current drawing file to a TIFF formatted file. The current file will not be deleted but it's extension will be changed by adding "cvt". This prevents the file from being accidentally re-added to the project during a scan. A new TIFF file will be created with the same folder and filename but with the extension ".tif". The drawing and all related information (scales, measurements, etc.) will remain part of the project but will be associated will the new TIFF file.
This option is not available if the drawing is a protected PDF file or if the drawing has multiple pages or if the drawing has been rotated and has scales or measurements.

Save as TIFF file - Click on File / Save as Tiff file. Save the current page of the current drawing file as a TIFF formatted file. When you select the menu option, a standard Windows File Dialog will be displayed allowing you to specify the name and folder for the new TIFF file. The existing drawing file will not be changed or deleted.

The new TIFF file will not be part of the current project.

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